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  • Question:
    Hi again Tatiana, i see how you make in the photos, i never did like that but i always taped end of ears but straight upp not bended to sides like you have.
    is it too late to start now to do like you have done? my Dog is 1 year 4 months now.
    the ear length is 1cm longer and from side the left ear is much thiner ,longer and thinner about 1cm longer and 0,5cm thinner , big difference.
    right ear have been standing since april this year and now 6 months later the left one still dont stand proper, its too thin , dont mean that the skin is thin i mean that the ear is cut to thin.

    i will try to tape the ears like you have done... do you think its ok with smaller plastic in ears ,maybe 5cm on top because his ears stand good already.

    I think the diference in the size of borth ears is not guilt of your breeder ( the kennel in your country where you took the puppy) - it is quilt of you, when you stand up ears you must stretch up the ears to make the same length of both ears
    I think you must try now about 1 month to make like I send you photos- to make sticks from , for example, botlles from pepsy or coca as long as ear are and tape all places which are now not correct stand (ends of the ear)
    To see photos you sent to me - to be honest I dont see BIG problem. Ears are standed perfectly , you need only to correct the ends. It is not big problem. Jurges never lay off sizes of ears of dogs in the ring - they look if ears stand or no stand up
    Always ready to assistance you
    Good Luck
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