Dobermann kennel Irinland

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    New Year 2006 (The Dog`s Year) celebration :)
    Natasha Ionova, Irakli Pirtskhalava and Duc
    NEW YEAR Cleaning roads from the snow
    NEW YEAR New Year 2006 (The Dog`s Year) celebration
    PHOTOGALLERY Duc and his girls
    After first Duc's concert, where he were on the scene twice - in songs "Nevesta" and "Nenaviju", Duc has many girls, who wanted to make a photo with him.
    High Life

    Irinland Duc Dufer - single dobermann in the world who was presented on the famouse scene in Kremlin

    Irinland Duc Dufer with Egor Druzhinin and Glukoza

    Duc working like bodyguard

    Irinland Duc Dufer with an actor
    K. Khabensky in the movie
    "Night Watch"

    Irinland Duc Dufer with singer Pavel Artem'ev (group "Korni") and Tatiana

    Irinland Duc Dufer with Radik Eskupov (world champion in traditional Ushu)

    Irinland Duc Dufer with singer Pier Natciss and Tatiana
    RMA 2004 MTV Russian Music Awards 2004 in Kremlin
    At the ceremony of MTV Music Awards 2004 in the Kremlin Irinland Duc Dufer took part in the show called “And Maybe That’s Love ” together with Gluk`oza.

    Dogs are strictly not allowed to enter the Kremlin territory, so that’s why we had to do a lot of paper work, getting various certificates and permissions in order to finally make it possible for His Majesty The Doberman to step on this holy ground and be in the very heart of Russia, and even perform on the stage of the Kremlin Congress Hall for the first time in the history of this unique place. The only unpleasant thing for us was the strict order to have a muzzle and a prong collar on the dog all the time while being in the Kremlin and in the Congress Hall.

    We didn’t have the right to take the muzzle off, not for a single minute, and that naturally spoiled the mood of communicative Duc. But besides the favorite of Natasha Yonova got lots of attention and affection from pop stars!
    Our dobermanns
    Irinland Zhan `Noel
    Irinland UILL UOTSON
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