Dobermann kennel Irinland

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  • Dobermann Kennel "Irinland" is situated in the most beautiful and historical place near Moscow City and was founded in 1996. In our kennel were born or bred:

    World Winner, Europe Champion, IDC Siegerin, Interchampions, Grandchampions of Russia, Champions of Russia, DSR National Club Siegers, A.I.A.D. Champions, Champions of French, Portugal, Spanish Dobermann Clubs, Champions of Germany, Mexico, India, Thailand, Israel, South Africa, Poland, Estonia, Litva, Latvia, Belorussia, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia.

    Irinland dobermans have high working ability, most of doberman passed SchH and IPO exams, special breeding and health tests. All dobermans have friendly and open character - nice for family, children and other animals.
    Males, imported to 'Irinland' kennel


    Irinland Airon Amber Ale Russia
    (RK Arbat Aldo - Irinland Josefina Jose)

    Irinland Alkatraz Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Vanesa Van)

    Irinland Amand Ambassador Russia
    (RK Arbat Aldo - Irinland Josefina Jose)

    Irinland Amadeus Apricot Russia
    (RK Arbat Aldo - Irinland Josefina Jose)

    Irinland Ares Alastor Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Vanesa Van)

    Irinland Argo Aldo Russia
    (RK Arbat Aldo - Irinland Josefina Jose)

    Irinland Artur Alan Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Vanesa Van)

    Irinland Asterix Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Vanesa Van)


    Irinland Bakster Baks Russia
    (Irinland Duc De Gluck - Irinland Beatricia Betta)

    Irinland Barri Bekker Russia
    (Irinland ZH`Dark - Irinland Nakijara Nenci)

    Irinland Bernar Briz Russia
    (Gamon di Campovalano - Wellenberg Julfil Blansh)

    Irinland Big Brother (Bratan) United Kingdom
    (Irinland Duc De Gluck - Irinland Beatricia Betta)


    Irinland Charls Russia
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Lider Iland Gloria)

    Irinland Chester Chedano Germany
    (Irinland Sheldon Shik - Irinland Tirana Treici)

    Irinland Chezar Chenturion Russia
    (Irinland Chernaja Chajka - Nostalgi Vivaldi)


    Irinland Didi Spain
    (Irinland Amadeus Apricot - Irinland Reina Robusta)

    Irinland Duc Dufer Russia
    (Orson v. Roveline - Margot de Stang-Zu)

    Irinland Duc De`Gluk Russia
    (Rossiiskii Kolorit Arbat Aldo - Irinland Paloma Pilar)

    Irinland Dzhager France
    (RK Arbat Aldo - Irinland Paloma Pilar)


    Irinland Edmon Emperor Portugal
    (Jivago v.h.Wantji - Irinland Zena Zefyu)

    Irinland Eminem Germany
    (Jivago v.h.Wantji - Irinland Zena Zefyu)

    Irinland Eros Erato Russia
    (Jivago v.h.Wantji - Irinland Zena Zefyu)


    Irinland Fagot Faust Russia
    (Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Irinland Ronda Rebecca)

    Irinland Falcon Fighter Norway
    (Tamerlan iz Slavnoi Staij - Irinland Josefina Jose)

    Irinland Favorit Russia
    (Irinland Sharliz Sherri - Italo Dei Due Intenti)

    Irinland Fawn Furious Russia
    (Tamerlan iz Slavnoi Staij - Irinland Josefina Jose)

    Irinland Ferdinand Russia
    (Irinland Sharliz Sherri - Italo Dei Due Intenti)

    Irinland Fletcher Russia
    (Irinland Sharliz Sherri - Italo Dei Due Intenti)

    Irinland Franco Ferrara Brazil
    (Tamerlan iz Slavnoi Staij - Irinland Josefina Jose)


    Irinland Gorden Gess Russia
    (Irinland Duc De Gluck - Irinland Cherutta)

    Irinland Grand Gaborim Russia
    (Irinland Duc De Gluck - Irinland Cherutta)


    Irinland Handy Huch Russia
    (Irinland Lucas Love - Yumargan Assol)

    Irinland Harrier Harrikein Russia
    (S`Lichobor Tigris - Wellenberg Julfill Blansh)

    Irinland Hornet Honey Russia
    (S`Lichobor Tigris - Wellenberg Julfill Blansh)


    Irinland Idalgo Imperial Russia
    (Irinland Origin Oloff - Irinland Beatriccia Betta)

    Irinland Ingrem Itamo Russia
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Margot de Stang -Zu)

    Irinland Impeccable Russia
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Margot de Stang -Zu)

    Irinland Ignus Inkubus Brazil
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Margot de Stang -Zu)


    Irinland Jino Jeniale Finland
    (Gadis Geromy del Citone - Irinland Belinda Bless)


    Irinland Kain Kosta Russia
    (Queenstone Betelges - Irinland Sharliz Sherri)

    Irinland Kriss Keiser Russia
    (Gino Gomez del Citone - Zolotaya Dinastya Tara)


    Irinland Leonidas Denmark
    (Favorit Fang Legrant - Irinland Yamaika Yalapeco)

    Irinland Lester Lux Russia
    (El Diablo di Altobelo - Irinland Paola Pierluca)

    Irinland Lorens Lounson Fillipinnes
    (El Diablo di Altobelo - Irinland Paola Pierluca)

    Irinland Lucas Love Russia
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Livia Lisenka v. Diaspora)

    Irinland Lucifer Russia
    (El Diablo di Altobelo - Irinland Paola Pierluca)

    Irinland Luter Lancaster Russia
    (El Diablo di Altobelo - Irinland Paola Pierluca)


    Irinland Max` A Million Egypt
    (Irinland Zar Zidan - Irinland Lotta Laura)

    Irinland Marcell Mondial Finland
    (Nitro del Rio Bianco - Irinland Belinda Bless)

    Irinland Metyu Morrison Russia
    (Irinland Zar Zidan - Irinland Lotta Laura)

    Irinland Morgan Montpelie Argentina
    (Nitro del Rio Bianco - Irinland Belinda Bless)

    Irinland Maximus May Russia
    (Bombastic v.Hanseaten - Irinland Patricia Perla)


    Irinland Nadin Nestor Israil
    (Golden Boy dei Nobili Nati - Irinland Tirana Treici)


    Irinland Odin Overcome Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Kamilla Kara)

    Irinland Olimp Otto Russia
    (Queenstone Betelges - Irinland Ofelia Ornella)

    Irinland Oragon Orlando
    (Golden Boy dei Nobili Nati - Irinland Ellen Estella)

    Irinland Oridzi Olaff Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Kamila Kara)

    Irinland Orlando Ouen Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Kamila Kara)


    Irinland Patrick Porte Russia
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Ave Concorde Zemfira)

    Irinland Perudzi Patek Russia
    (Escobar Casa di Oz - Ave Concorde Zemfira)

    Irinland Platon Puare Turkmenistan
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Feeria Festa iz Imperii Lubvi)


    Irinland Rafale Ramdam France
    (S`Lichobor Tigris - Irinland Brindizi)

    Irinland Ralf Raider Germany
    (S`Lichobor Tigris - Irinland Brindizi)

    Irinland Redford Reiland Finland
    (Irinland Alkatraz - Korona Astralis Taina)


    Irinland Shandi Shon Russia
    (Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Irinland Elana Estrice)

    Irinland Sharl Shumani Russia
    (Oberdanolsen del Citone - Irinland Brindizi)

    Irinland Sheldon Shick Russia
    (Oberdanolsen del Citone - Irinland Brindizi)

    Irinland Sherkhan Sheridan France
    (Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Irinland Ealana Estricce)

    Irinland Shiva Shibuba Russia
    (Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Irinland Elana Estrice)

    Irinland Spicy Savage Russia
    (Irinland Kriss Kaiser- Irinland Nakiara Nency)

    Irinland Stelth Skyhock Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Irinland Evropa Enga)

    Irinland Sunny Slai Russia
    (Irinland Kriss Kaiser - Irinland Nakiara Nency)


    Irinland Terminator Russia
    (Irinland Impecable - Irinland Tirana Treici)

    Irinland Tomcat Teddy Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Iuliana Ami Star Light)

    Irinland Tsezar Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Gala Konasta Lavaletta)

    Irinland Tsunami Sweeden
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Gala Konasta Lavaletta)


    Irinland Uill Uotson Russia
    (Irinland Ingrem Itamo - Irinland Shanel Sharm)

    Irinland Uilliam Uots Finland
    (Irinland UILL UOTSON - Paks Deorum Lanti)


    Irinland Vicont Velicolepnii Russia
    (Irinland Lucifer - Galia iz Gavaona)

    Irinland Vincent Vangard Ukraine
    (Irinland Lucifer - Galia iz Gavaona)


    Irinland Yang Yarik Russia
    (Irinland Zena Zefyu - Irinland Impecable)

    Irinland Yogan Yensen Russia
    (Irinland Lucas Love - Yumargan Assol)

    Irinland Yan Yakov Russia
    (Baron Nike Renewall - Ave Concorde Zemfira)


    Irinland Zak Zorge Russia
    (Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Irinland Ealana Estricce)

    Irinland Zar Zidan Russia
    (Tamerlan iz Slavnoi Staij - Irinland Zena Zefyu)

    Irinland Zeus Zethos France
    (Tamerlan iz Slavnoi Staij - Irinland Zena Zefyu)

    Irinland Zevs Zieger Russia
    (Irinland Airon Amber Ale - Irinland Ealana Estricce)

    Irinland Zhan`Noel Russia
    (Irinland Patrick Porte - Pencilvania)

    Irinland ZH`Dark Russia
    (Irinland Duc Dufer - Wellenberg Yulfill Blansh)

    Goldenboy dei Nobili Nati Russia
    (Nilo dei Nobili Nati - Sharon dei Nobili Nati)

    Escobar Casa di Oz Россия
    (Irinus de Ferignis - Baronessa Zova Renewall)

    Our dobermanns
    Irinland Duc De`Gluk
    Irinland Zak Zorge
    Irinland dobermans. Males
    Irinland dobermans. Females
    Dobermann puppy for sale
    Dobermann puppy from another kennels
    Youth dobermann for sale
    Adult dobermann for sale
    Dobermann matings
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